Saturday, April 20, 2013

On Standardized Tests

As a new teacher, I'm also new to the pressures of standardized testing. This past week, my third graders took their ELA exams, and next week they will take the Math portion. Three grueling days each week equals one tired teacher, and 23 wildly worn out kids. By Friday afternoon, we were wiped. And now I'm gearing up to do it all again with math.

My feelings about these tests are mixed. On the one hand, assessment is an extremely valuable and necessary practice in education. On the other hand, these particular assessments are long, confusing, and draining. I find myself will this be useful to these kids in the future? Is this somehow preparing them for "real life?" Does a score of 1, 2, 3, or 4 truly capture the magical spirits of these kids that I love so very dearly? Will the scores be fair? Will they make me look bad? Questions, questions, questions. Pressure, pressure, pressure.

And the very terrifying fear that my purpose as a teacher hinges on these tests. Am I good enough? And now that we are done (with ELA), what do we do now? Start preparing for next year? And I have to literally remind myself that my purpose is much higher than these tests, reaches far beyond whatever numbers are assigned to my students. And I just have to wonder...what is our purpose? As a culture and society. Do we want to produce automatons that know how to answer multiple choice questions? Do we want to separate the 4s from the 1s? I guess I just feel like each year these tests get farther and farther away from the real purpose of education...learning.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Charlotte's Web Anchor Chart

Reading Charlotte's Web as an adult has been so much fun (see previous post)....

But being able to teach it to my kids was even more fun! We have been reading it for the past week and a half, and adding to this anchor chart as we read. The kids have done an amazing job at synthesizing information and analyzing the big themes that we've come across.

I'm so proud of them!

I get to do it with another group of students starting next week (we are on a novel rotation), so I'm excited to see how/if this next group will have different ideas.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Curling up with Charlotte's Web

There has been no greater pleasure over the past few weeks than curling up with literally one of the most charming, poignant, sweet, and true stories ever written. I read it as a kid (didn't we all), but reading it as an adult has been such a different experience. I catch myself smiling as I read about dear Wilbur and the lovely Charlotte. Man, this book is really getting to me!

So yes, it is Saturday and I should be out doing more exciting things. But honestly, this book is such a pleasure that planning it is easy. My kids have been digging in in class, too. They are exploring big themes and ideas, and I think they are feeling my passion for the story, too. Will post the chart that we made together next week!

As Charlotte says, "never hurry and never worry!" Hey, at least that's appropriate for Saturday.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Who is Ms. Little?

I am! It's me, Julie. I am Ms. Little. My dearest former student used to call me that, so here we are. I have literally tried to start more than 10 blogs in my lifetime, and this one just might sustain itself. Although, when you really think about it, this one is not very likely to sustain itself because I have very little free time. But hey, I'm going to try!

A little background (am noticing how much I use the word little in my vocabulary...maybe this blog title is really just perfect)....

I'm a third grade teacher at a charter school in the Bronx. I have 23 incredible students. I'm pushing like crazy to become a better teacher every day. This blog will hopefully chronicle my journey. Welcome, friends!